Dr. Fang Fang is a professor of brain and cognitive sciences and vice president of Peking University. He obtained a Ph.D. in cognitive and biological psychology at the University of Minnesota in 2006, and was a postdoctoral research associate between 2006 and 2007. His research seeks to understand the neural mechanisms of visual and cognitive processes by combining neuroimaging, electrophysiology, brain stimulation, psychophysics, computational modeling, and human genetics. Topics under investigation include visual learning and adaptation, visual attention and awareness, object and face perception. He received the Young Investigaor Award: Basic Science from the International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS) in 2016 and was elected as a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science (APS) in 2018. He currently serves on the editorial board for Current Biology, Experimental Brain Research, and Science China: Life Sciences.

List of Publications (* corresponding author)

Zhao L.#*, Yang X.#, Yu X.#, Zheng J., Mao H., Fu G., Fang F.* and Lee K. (2024) Academic cheating, achievement orientations, and culture values: A meta-analysis. Review of Educational Research. (in press) (# co-first authors)

Fan Y., Wang M., Fang F., Ding N.* and Luo H.* (2024) 2-D neural geometry underpins hierarchical organization of sequence in human working memory. Nature Human Behavior. (in press)

He T., Gong X., Wang Q., Zhu X., Liu Y. and Fang F.* (2024) Non-feature-specific elevated responses and feature-specific backward replay in human brain induced by visual sequence exposure. eLife. (in press)

Lu X., Yuan Z., Zhang Y., Ai H., Cheng S., Ge Y., Fang F.* and Chen N.* (2024) A comparison of statistical learning of naturalistic textures between DCNNs and the human visual hierarchy. SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences. (in press)

Peng Y.#*, Gong X.#, Lu H. and Fang F.* (2024) Human visual pathways for action recognition versus DCNNs: Representation correspondence in late but not early layers. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. (in press) (# co-first authors)

Wang Q.*, Luo L., Xu N., Wang J., Yang R., Chen G., Ren J., Luan G. and Fang F*. (2024) Neural response properties predict perceived contents and locations elicited by intracranial electrical stimulation of human auditory cortex. Cerebral Cortex. (in press)

Deng Z., Gao J., Li A., Chen Y., Gao B., Fang F., Culham J. and Chen J.* (2024) Viewpoint adaptation revealed potential representational differences between 2D images and 3D objects. Cognition. 251, 105903.

Shen S., Sun Y., Lu J., Li C., Chen Q., Mo C., Fang F. and Zhang X.* (2024) Profiles of visual perceptual learning in feature space. iScience. 27(3):109128.

Yu K., Guo J., Xu Z., Shi F., Yu X., Fang F.* and Wang Y.* (2024) Processing of fearful faces exhibits characteristics of subcortical functions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 153(5), 1374-1387.

Luo L.#, Wang X.#, Lu J., Chen G., Luan G., Li W., Wang Q.* and Fang F.* (2024) Local field potentials, spiking activity, and receptive fields in human visual cortex. SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences. 67(3), 543-554. (# co-first authors)

Wang Q. #*, Chen G.#, Wang X.#, Yang R., Luo L., Ding H., Teng P., Wang J., He L., Ren J., Zhao M., Luan G. and Fang F.* (2024) Prestimulation neuronal activity predicts visual awareness of phosphene elicited by intracranial electrical stimulation. Brain Stimulation. 17, 335-338. (# co-first authors)

Chen L., Chen G., Gong X. and Fang F.* (2023) Integrating electric field modeling and pre-tDCS behavioral performance to predict the individual tDCS effect on visual crowding. Journal of Neural Engineering. 20, 056019.

He Q.#*, Zhu X.# and Fang F.* (2023) Enhancing visual perceptual learning using transcranial electrical stimulation: transcranial alternating current stimulation outperforms both transcranial direct current and random noise stimulation. Journal of Vision. 22(14):2, 1-12. (# co-first authors)

Ruttorf M.#*, Tal Z.#, Amaral L., Fang F., Bi Y. and Almeida J.* (2023) Neuroplastic changes in functional wiring in sensory cortices of the congenitally deaf: a network analysis. Human Brain Mapping. 44, 6523-6536 (# co-first authors)

Shi R., Bi K., Du K., Ma L., Fang F., Duan L., Jiang T.* and Huang T. (2023) PS-Net: Human perception-guided segmentation network for EM cell membrane. Bioinformatics. 39(8), btad464.

Mo C.#, Lu J.#, Shi C. and Fang F.* (2023) Neural representations of competing stimuli along the dorsal and ventral visual pathways during binocular rivalry. Cerebral Cortex. 33(6), 2734-2747. (# co-first authors)

Gao Y.#, Chen G.#, Teng P., Zhang X., Fang F., Englot D.J., Luan G.*, Wang X.* and Wang Q.* (2023) Periventricular nodular heterotopia is coupled with the neocortex during resting and task states. Cerebral Cortex. 33(7), 3467-3477. (# co-first authors)

Liu M., Zheng X., Sun X.*, Fang F. and Wang Y. (2023) Which invariance should we transfer? A causal minimax learning approach. The Fortieth International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Hawaii, USA.

Zhao L.#*, Zheng Y.#, Zhao J., Li G., Compton B.J., Zhang R., Fang F.*, Heyman G.D. and Lee K.* (2023) Cheating among elementary school children: A machine learning approach. Child Development. 94, 922-940. (# co-first authors)

Zhang Y., Bi K., Li J., Wang Y. and Fang F.* (2023) Dyadic visual perceptual learning on orientation discrimination. Current Biology. 33, 2407-2416.

Liu C., Wang Y.*, Sun X., Wang Y. and Fang F.* (2023) Decoding six basic emotions from brain functional connectivity patterns. SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences. 66(4), 835-847.

Wang Y.#, Luo L.#, Chen G., Luan G., Wang X., Wang Q.* and Fang F.* (2023) Rapid processing of invisible fearful faces in the human amygdala. Journal of Neuroscience. 43(8), 1405-1413. (# co-first authors)

Zhao Y.#, Zeng T.#, Wang T., Fang F., Pan Y.* and Jia J.* (2023) Subcortical encoding of summary statistics in humans. Cognition. 234, 105384 (# co-first authors)

Yu Q., Ouyang M., Detre J.A., Kang H., Hu D., Hong B., Fang F., Peng Y. and Huang H.* (2023) Infant brain regional cerebral blood flow increases supporting emergence of the default-mode network. eLife. 12:e78397. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.78397

Gong X., Wang Q. and Fang F.* (2022) Configuration perceptual learning and its relationship with element perceptual learning. Journal of Vision. 22(13):2, 1-14.

Zhao L.*, Li Y., Qin W., Amemiya J., Fang F.*, Compton B.J. and Heyman G.D.* (2022) Overheard evaluative comments: Implications for beliefs about effort and ability. Child Development. 93, 1889-1902.

He Q., Yang X., Zhao D. and Fang F.* (2022) Enhancement of visual perception by combining transcranial electrical stimulation and visual perceptual learning. Medical Review. 2(3), 271-284.

Luo L., Chen G., Li S., Wang J., Wang Q.* and Fang F.* (2022) Distinct roles of theta and gamma rhythms in inter-areal interaction in human visual cortex revealed by cortico-cortical evoked potentials. Brain Stimulation. 15, 1048-1050.

Zang X.#*, Zinchenko A.#, Wu J., Zhu X., Fang F.* and Shi Z.* (2022) Contextual cueing in co-active visual search: joint action allows acquisition of task-irrelevant context. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. 84, 1114-1129. (# co-first authors)

Jia J., Wang T., Chen S., Ding N. and Fang F.* (2022) Ensemble size perception: its neural signature and the role of global interaction over individual items. Neuropsychologia. 173, 108290.

Zhao L.*, Mao H., Compton B.J., Peng J., Fu G., Fang F.*, Heyman G.D. and Lee K.* (2022) Academic dishonesty and its relations to peer cheating and culture: A meta-analysis of the perceived peer cheating effect. Educational Research Review. 36, 100455.

Zhao L.*, Zheng Y., Compton B. J., Qin W., Sun W., Fang F.*, Fu G., Heyman G. D. and Lee K.* (2022) Subtle alterations of the physical environment can nudge young children to cheat Less. Developmental Science. 25(3), e13190.

He Q., Yang X., Gong B., Bi K. and Fang F.* (2022) Boosting visual perceptual learning by transcranial alternating current stimulation over the visual cortex at alpha frequency. Brain Stimulation. 15, 546-553.

Yang X.#, He Q.# and Fang F.* (2022) Transcranial direct current stimulation over the visual cortex facilitates awake consolidation of visual perceptual learning. Brain Stimulation. 15(2), 380-382. (# co-first authors)

Li B., Jia J., Chen L.* and Fang F.* (2021) Electrophysiological correlates of the somatotopically organized tactile duration aftereffect. Brain Research. 1762, 147432.

Song Y., Chen N.* and Fang F.* (2021) Effects of daily training amount on visual motion perceptual learning. Journal of Vision. 21(4):6, 1-9.

Zhu Z.#, Chen B.#, Na R.#, Fang W., Zhang W., Zhou Q., Zhou S., Lei H., Huang A., Chen T., Ni D., Gu Y., Liu J., Rao Y.* and Fang F.* (2021) A genome-wide association study reveals a substantial genetic basis underlying the Ebbinghaus illusion. Journal of Human Genetics. 66, 261-271. (# co-first authors)

Lu J., Luo L., Wang Q., Fang F.* and Chen N.* (2021) Cue-triggered activity replay in human early visual cortex. SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences. 64(1), 144-151.

Chen G.#, Zhu Z.#, He Q. and Fang F.* (2021) Offline transcranial direct current stimulation improves the ability to perceive crowded targets. Journal of Vision. 21(2):1, 1-10. (# co-first authors)

Chen N.#*, Chen Z.# and Fang F.* (2020) Functional specialization in human dorsal pathway for stereoscopic depth processing. Experimental Brain Research. 238, 2581-2588. (# co-first authors)

Wang H., Mo C.* and Fang F.* (2020) Dissociated deficits in attentional networks in social anxiety and depression. SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences. 63(7), 1071-1078.

Zhang Y.#, Zhang Y.#* and Fang F. (2020) Neural mechanisms of feature binding. SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences. 63(6), 926-928. (# co-first authors)

Wang Q., Hoi S., Wang Y., Lam C., Fang F. and Yi, L.* (2020) Gaze response to others' gaze following in children with and without autism. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 129(3), 320-329.

Yu Q.#, Peng Y.#, Kang H., Peng Q., Ouyang M., Slinger M., Hu D., Shou H., Fang F.* and Huang H.* (2020) Differential white matter maturation from birth to 8 years of age. Cerebral Cortex. 30(4), 2673-2689. (# co-first authors)

Wang Q., Hoi S.P., Wang Y., Song C., Li T., Lam C.M., Fang F. and Yi L.* (2020) Out of mind, out of sight? Investigating abnormal face scanning in autism spectrum disorder using gaze-contingent paradigm. Developmental Science. 23(1), e12856.

Zhu Z.#, Chen B.#, Na R.#, Fang W., Zhang W., Zhou Q., Zhou S., Lei H., Huang A., Chen T., Ni D., Gu Y., Liu J., Rao Y.* and Fang F.* (2019) Heritability of human visual contour integration --- an integrated genomic study. European Journal of Human Genetics. 27(12), 1867-1875. (# co-first authors)

Mo C., Lu J., Wu B., Jia J., Luo H.* and Fang F.* (2019) Competing rhythmic neural representations of orientations during concurrent attention to multiple orientation features. Nature Communications. 10:5264. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-13282-3

Li B., Chen L.* and Fang F.* (2019) Somatotopic representation of tactile duration: evidence from tactile duration aftereffect. Behavioural Brain Research. Volume 371, Article ID 111954.

Zhang Y.#*, Zhang Y.#, Cai P., Luo H. and Fang F.* (2019) The causal role of alpha oscillations in feature binding. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 116(34), 17023-17028. (# co-first authors)

He D., Wang Y. and Fang F.* (2019) The critical role of V2 population receptive fields in visual orientation crowding. Current Biology. 29(13), 2229-2236.

Jia J., Fang F.* and Luo H.*(2019) Selective spatial attention involves two alpha-band components associated with distinct spatiotemporal and functional characteristics. NeuroImage. 199, 228-236.

Wang Y., Zhu Z., Chen B. and Fang F.* (2019) Perceptual learning and recognition confusion reveal the underlying relationships among the six basic emotions. Cognition and Emotion. 33(4), 754-767.

Jia K., Xue X., Lee J., Fang F., Zhang J. and Li S.* (2018) Visual perceptual learning modulates decision network in the human brain: The evidence from psychophysics, modeling, and functional magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of Vision. 18(12):9, 1-19

Chen B.#, Zhu Z.#, Na R.#, Fang W., Zhang W., Zhou Q., Zhou S., Lei H., Huang A., Chen T., Ni D., Gu Y., Liu J., Fang F.* and Rao Y.* (2018) Genomic analyses of visual cognition: perceptual rivalry and top-down control. Journal of Neuroscience. 38(45), 9668-9678. (# co-first authors)

Wang Q., Lu L., Zhang Q., Fang F., Zou X. and Yi L.* (2018) Eye avoidance in young children with autism spectrum disorder is modulated by emotional facial expressions. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 127(7), 722-732.

Wang Q.#, Hu Y.#, Shi D.#, Zhang Y., Zou X., Li S., Fang F. and Yi L.*(2018) Children with autism spectrum disorder prefer looking at repetitive movements in a preferential looking paradigm. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 48, 2821-2831.(# co-first authors)

Na R., Bi T., Tjan B.S., Liu Z.* and Fang F.* (2018) Effect of task difficulty on blood-oxygen-level-dependent signal: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study in a motion discrimination task. PLoS ONE. 13(6): e0199440.

Kang H.#, Zhang M.#, Ouyang M., Guo R., Yu Q., Peng Q., Zhang N., Zhang Y., Duan Y., Tang X., Mishra V., Fang F., Li W., Huang H. and Peng Y.* (2018) Brain white matter microstructural alterations in children of type I Gaucher disease characterized with diffusion tensor MR imaging. European Journal of Radiology. 102, 22-29.(# co-first authors)

Mo C.*#, He D.# and Fang F.* (2018) Attention priority map of face images in human early visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience. 38(1), 149-157.(# co-first authors)

Bi T. and Fang F.* (2017) Impaired face perception in individuals with autism spectrum disorder: insights on diagnosis and treatment. Neuroscience Bulletin. 33(6), 757-759.

Chen N.*, Lu J., Shao H., Weng X. and Fang F.* (2017) Neural mechanisms of motion perceptual learning in noise. Human Brain Mapping. 38(12), 6029-6042. 

Jia J., Liu L., Fang F. and Luo H.* (2017) Rhythmic sampling of visual objects during sustained attention. PLoS Biology. 15(6): e2001903.

He D., Mo C. and Fang F.* (2017) Predictive feature remapping before saccadic eye movements. Journal of Vision. 17(5):14, 1-12.

Yu Q., Zhang P., Qiu J. and Fang F.* (2016) Perceptual learning of contrast detection in the human lateral geniculate nucleus. Current Biology. 26(23), 3176-3182.

Amaral L., Ganho-Avila A., Osorio A., Soares M.J., He D., Chen Q., Mahon B.Z., Goncalves O.F., Sampaio A., Fang F., Bi Y. and Almeida J.*(2016) Hemispheric asymmetries in subcortical visual and auditory relay structures in congenital deafness. European Journal of Neuroscience. 44, 2334-2339.

Chen N., Cai P., Zhou T., Thompson B. and Fang F.* (2016) Perceptual learning modifies the functional specializations of visual cortical areas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 113(20), 5724-5729.

Chen C., Zhang X., Wang Y.*, Zhou T. and Fang F.* (2016) Neural activities in V1 create the bottom-up saliency map of natural scenes. Experimental Brain Research. 234(6), 1769-1780.

Chen J., Yu Q., Zhu Z., Peng Y. and Fang F.* (2016) Spatial summation revealed in the earliest visual component C1 and the effect of attention on its linearity. Journal of Neurophysiology. 115(1), 500-509.

Zhu Z.#, Fan Z. # and Fang F.* (2016) Two-stage perceptual learning to break visual crowding. Journal of Vision. 16(6):16, 1-12.(# co-first authors)

Zhang Y., Zhang X., Wang Y. and Fang F.* (2016) Misbinding of color and motion in human early visual cortex: Evidence from event-related potentials. Vision Research. 122, 51-59.

Li Y.*, Long J., Huang B., Yu T., Wu W., Li P., Fang F. and Sun P. (2016) Selective audiovisual semantic integration enabled by feature-selective attention. Scientific Reports. 6, 18914.

He D., Mo C., Wang Y. and Fang F.* (2015) Position shifts of fMRI-based population receptive fields in human visual cortex induced by Ponzo illusion. Experimental Brain Research. 233(12), 3535-3541.

Almeida J.*, He D., Chen Q., Mahon B.Z., Zhang F., Gonçalves Ó. F., Fang F. and Bi Y. (2015) Decoding visual location from neural patterns in the auditory cortex of the congenitally deaf. Psychological Science. 26(11), 1771-1782.

Xu J., Liu X., Zhang J., Li Z., Fang F., Wang X. and Niu H.* (2015) FC-NIRS: A functional connectivity analysis tool for near-infrared spectroscopy data. BioMed Research International. Volume 2015, Article ID 248724.

Chen N.#, Bi T.#, Zhou T., Li S., Liu Z.* and Fang F.* (2015) Sharpened cortical tuning and enhanced cortico-cortical communication contribute to the long-term neural mechanisms of visual motion perceptual learning. NeuroImage. 115, 17-29.(# co-first authors)

Vaghefi E.*, Cai P., Fang F., Byblow W., Stinear C. and Thompson B. (2015) MRI guided brain stimulation without the use of a neuro-navigation system. BioMed Research International. Volume 2015, Article ID 647510.

Cai P. #, Chen N. #, Zhou T., Thompson B. and Fang F.* (2014) Global versus local: double dissociation between MT+ and V3A in motion processing revealed using continuous theta burst transcranial magnetic stimulation. Experimental Brain Research. 232(12), 4035-4041.(# co-first authors)

Akin B., Ozdem C., Eroglu S., Keskin D.T., Fang F., Doerschner K., Kersten D. and Boyaci H.* (2014) Attention modulates neuronal correlates of interhemispheric integration and global motion perception. Journal of Vision. 14(12):30, 1-13.

Chen J., He Y., Zhu Z., Zhou T., Peng Y., Zhang X. and Fang F.* (2014) Attention-dependent early cortical suppression contributes to crowding. Journal of Neuroscience. 34(32), 10465-10474.

Zhang X., Qiu J., Zhang Y., Han S. and Fang F.* (2014) Misbinding of color and motion in human visual cortex. Current Biology. 24(12), 1354-1360.

Guo G., Wang Y.*, Jiang T., Yuille A.L., Fang F. and Gao W. (2014) A shape reconstructability measure of object part importance with applications to object detection and localization. International Journal of Computer Vision. 108(3), 241-258.

Sheng F., Liu Q., Li H., Fang F. and Han S.* (2014) Task modulations of racial bias in neural responses to others’ suffering. NeuroImage. 88(1), 263-270.

Bi T.#, Chen J.#, Zhou T., He Y. and Fang F.* (2014) Function and structure of human left fusiform cortex are closely associated with perceptual learning of faces. Current Biology. 24(2), 222-227.(# co-first authors)

Bi T.* and Fang F. (2013) Neural plasticity in high-level visual cortex underlying object perceptual learning. Frontiers in Biology. 8(4), 434-443.

Su J., Tan Q. and Fang F.* (2013) Neural correlates of face gender discrimination learning. Experimental Brain Research. 225(4), 569-578.

Chen C., Zhang X., Wang Y. and Fang F.* (2013) Measuring the attentional effect of the bottom-up saliency map of natural images. In J. Yang, F. Fang, and C. Sun(Eds): IScIDE 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science(LNCS) 7751, pp. 539-548, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

Zhang X. and Fang F.* (2012) Object-based attention guided by an invisible object. Experimental Brain Research. 223(3), 397-404.

Yang Z.*, Fang F. and Weng X. (2012) Recent developments of multivariate pattern analysis for functional MRI. Neuroscience Bulletin. 28(4), 399-408.

He D., Kersten D. and Fang F.* (2012) Opposite modulation of high- and low-level visual aftereffects by perceptual grouping. Current Biology. 22(11), 1040-1045.

Su J., Chen C., He D. and Fang F.* (2012) Effects of face view discrimination learning on N170 latency and amplitude. Vision Research. 61, 125-131.

Fang F.* and Wang Y.* (2012) Image understanding, attention and human early visual cortex. Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 7(1), 85-93.

Zhang X., Zhaoping L., Zhou T. and Fang F.* (2012) Neural activities in V1 create a bottom-up saliency map. Neuron. 73(1), 183-192.

Chen N. and Fang F.* (2011) Tilt aftereffect from orientation discrimination learning. Experimental Brain Research. 215(3), 227-234.

Fang F.* (2011) Q&A Vision and cognitive neuroscience. Fang Fang. Current Biology. 21(12), R444-R446.

Tan J., Ma Z., Gao X., Wu Y.* and Fang F. (2011) Gender difference of unconscious attentional bias in high trait anxiety individuals. PLoS ONE 6(5): e20305.

Wang W., Chen C., Wang Y.*, Jiang T., Fang F. and Yao Y. (2011) Simulating human saccadic scanpath on natural images. IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(CVPR), Colorado Springs, USA, 441-448.

Yang J.*, Xu X., Du X., Shi C. and Fang F. (2011) Effects of unconscious processing on implicit memory for fearful faces. PLoS ONE 6(2): e14641.

Lin N., Lu X., Fang F., Han Z. and Bi Y.* (2011) Is the semantic category effect in the lateral temporal cortex due to motion property differences? NeuroImage. 55(4), 1853-1864.

Yang H., Shen J., Chen J. and Fang F.* (2011) Face adaptation improves gender discrimination. Vision Research. 51(1), 105-110.

Bi T., Chen N., Weng Q., He D. and Fang F.* (2010) Learning to discriminate face views. Journal of Neurophysiology. 104(6), 3305-3311.

Chen J., Zhou T., Yang H. and Fang F.* (2010) Cortical dynamics underlying face completion in human visual system. Journal of Neuroscience. 30(49),16692-16698.

Boyaci H.*, Fang F., Murray S.O. and Kersten D. (2010) Perceptual grouping-dependent lightness processing in human early visual cortex. Journal of Vision. 10(9):4, 1-12.

Chen J., Yang H., Wang A. and Fang F.* (2010) Perceptual consequences of face viewpoint adaptation: Face viewpoint aftereffect, changes of differential sensitivity to face view, and their relationship. Journal of Vision. 10(3):12, 1-11.

Bi T., Cai P., Zhou T. and Fang F.* (2009) The effect of crowding on orientation-selective adaptation in human early visual cortex. Journal of Vision. 9(11):13, 1-10.

Bi T., Su J., Chen J. and Fang F.* (2009) The role of gaze direction in face viewpoint aftereffect. Vision Research. 49(18), 2322-2327.

Chen J., Liu B., Chen B. and Fang F.* (2009) Time course of amodal completion in face perception. Vision Research. 49(7), 752-758.

Cheung S.*#, Fang F.*#, He S. and Legge G.E. (2009) Retinotopically specific reorganization of visual cortex for tactile pattern recognition. Current Biology. 19(7), 596-601.(* co-first and co-corresponding authors).

Kwon M.*, Legge G., Fang F., Cheong A. and He S. (2009) Adaptive changes in visual cortex following prolonged contrast reduction. Journal of Vision. 9(2):20, 1-16.

Fang F.*, Boyaci H. and Kersten D. (2009) Border ownership selectivity in human early visual cortex and its modulation by attention. Journal of Neuroscience. 29(2), 460-465.

Han S.* and Fang F.* (2008) Linking neural activity to mental processes. Brain Imaging and Behavior. 2, 242-248.

Fang F., Boyaci H., Kersten D. and Murray S.O.* (2008) Attention-dependent representation of a size illusion in human V1. Current Biology. 18(21), 1707-1712.

Fang F.* and He S. (2008) Crowding alters the spatial distribution of attention modulation in human primary visual cortex. Journal of Vision. 8(9):6, 1-9.

Fang F., Kersten D. and Murray S.O.* (2008) Perceptual grouping and inverse fMRI activity patterns in human visual cortex. Journal of Vision. 8(7):2, 1-9.

Hegde J.*, Fang F., Murray S.O. and Kersten D. (2008) Preferential responses to occluded objects in the human visual cortex. Journal of Vision. 8(4): 16, 1-16.

Fang F.*, Ijichi K. and He S. (2007) Transfer of the face viewpoint aftereffect from adaptation to different and inverted faces. Journal of Vision. 7(13):6, 1-9.

Boyaci H.*, Fang F., Murray S.O. and Kersten D. (2007) Responses to lightness variations in early human visual cortex. Current Biology. 17(11), 989-993.

Fang F.*, Murray S.O. and He S. (2007) Duration-dependent fMRI adaptation and distributed viewer-centered face representation in human visual cortex. Cerebral Cortex. 17(6), 1402-1411.

Jiang Y., Costello P., Fang F., Huang M. and He S.* (2006) A gender and sexual orientation-dependent spatial attentional effect of invisible images. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 103(45), 17048-17052.

Fang F.*, Murray S.O., Kersten D. and He S. (2005) Orientation-tuned fMRI adaptation in human visual cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology. 94(6), 4188-4195.

Fang F. and He S.* (2005) Cortical responses to invisible objects in human dorsal and ventral pathways. Nature Neuroscience. 8(10), 1380-1385.

Fang F. and He S.* (2005) Viewer-centered object representation in the human visual system revealed by viewpoint aftereffects. Neuron. 45(5), 793-800.

Fang F.* and He S. (2004) Strong influence of test patterns on the perception of motion aftereffect and position. Journal of Vision. 4(7), 637-642.

Fang F. and He S.* (2004) Stabilized structure-from-motion without disparity induces disparity adaptation. Current Biology. 14(3), 247-251.

Yuille A.*, Fang F., Schrater P. and Kersten D. (2004) Human and ideal observers for detecting image curves. In S. Thrun, L. Saul & B. Schoelkopf(Eds.), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 16, 1459-1466. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Fang F., Liu Y., and Shen Z.* (2003) Lie detection with contingent negative variation. International Journal of Psychophysiology. 50(3), 247-255.

Fang F.* and Shen Z. (1998) Detection of deception with P300. In: Hashimoto I, Kakigi R(Eds.) Recent Advances in Human Neurophysiology. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science B.V., 733-739.