Speaker: Jie Sui, Ph.D ( University of Bath )

Time: 2017-12-21 13:00 - 14:30

Venue: #1113, Wangkezhen Building, Peking University

Abstract:  I will present evidence using a well developed self-association procedure which we have used to study the impact of self-reference on information processing. We use the behavioral, neuroimaging, and neuropsychological evidence to argue about the relations between self-biases in attention and perception and biases based on emotion and reward. We propose that one unique property of self-processing is the ability to integrate levels of information processing, for instance, related to perception, attention, memory and decision-making. The integrative self links together three critical neural networks (the ventral self-network, the dorsal cognitive control network and the salience network) for control of behavior. I discuss the implications of the work for understanding a wide range of disorders related to self-processing, as well as perception and attention in general.

Brief Bio: Jie Sui is a Reader in Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropsychology in the Department of Psychology, University of Bath and a Visiting Professor in the Department of Psychology, Tsinghua University. Her work focuses on the social biases (based on the self, emotion and reward) that modulate cognition and on their underlying neural substrates. She started studying self-representation in humans as a postgraduate student at Peking University supervised by Professor Ying Zhu and co-supervised by Professor Shihui Han from 2001. She has been awarded a number of fellowships and research grants from international bodies since 2006 (Royal Society Research Fellowship; EU Marie Curie Fellowship; Royal Society Newton Award) and successive grants from the ESRC and the Welcome Trust.

Host: Prof. Sheng Li